Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Returned To Sender...

When I posted my yellow rose painting (named "Torino") my uncle sent me an email with this comment.
"I really like the rose, but mine's better!"
With the comment came a beautiful photograph he took of a full blown peachy-orange rose. I thought, well, since it's his birthday in a few days, and I love a challenge... I'll paint him his rose! :o)

I'm naming it "Bob's Rose". I think it turned out fantastically!
... AND... I WIN!!!!! My painting trumps your photograph, Bob. So there!

Later? And soon! I have art galore to show you. :o)

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  1. Ooh, I like this one best of all. I happen to love the color, but I also find the form and color of this to be just wonderful.

  2. That's a fun rivalry to have with your Uncle! Collecting and sharing pictures -- how great. Yours is beautiful.


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