Tuesday, May 18, 2010


It's Tuesday again, so it's time to play Mosaic Tuesday with Artmind! This Tuesday I wanted to do something different than I usually do. So, when I decided I was going to paint some seagulls this week (after feeding them on my birthday day, it's my favorite thing to do!), I was inspired to do a mosaic on birds... And I just happen to have one handy who LOVES the camera! Hehehe.

My bird is not a parrot. She's a ham! She loves to pose as though there are 50 paparazzi outside her window and she's the latest & best thing since Marilyn Monroe. Seriously, the bird is so vain it's hilarious. If I get the camera out to take pictures of my latest artwork, she'll pout and carry on until I point the camera at HER. She then proceeds to preen, fluff and show her "big wings" pose (which is the second photo), waiting for the "click" of the shutter. She then poses again and waits. These are all her poses. The last picture (moving clockwise) is of her doing some strategic product placement. If Smarties chocolate company (Nestlé) would like to hire a little gray parrot... ;o)

Now, I must qualify all my talk of her vanity with the amazingness of her intellect. She's no "dumb blonde". Berkley, my African Gray parrot (named, appropriately, after the University), talks up a storm, does barnyard animal impressions, knows how to ask for what she wants  (ie. "want water"), waives good bye, shakes hands and even knows how to put herself to bed. When it's late and it's past her bedtime but I'm busy doing something else, she'll squawk, jump off her parrot tower and march her way down the hallway with serious attitude that says "hey lady, it's BEDTIME, get with the program!". She then climbs up into her cage and pulls the door closed. It's seriously the cutest thing in the world to watch.

Talk to y'all soon, I have so much to post about this week! Oh, and I must add... an early Happy Birthday to my (favorite) Uncle Bob. It's his birthday tomorrow, we're gonna watch Avatar, eat roooaaaasssttt mmmooooooossssee and cake (not at the same time, though, that would be gross). :o)

P.S. Thank you to all my blog friends who sent me wonderful birthday wishes, I feel so loved. I'm sending out an extra thank you to Teresa at Creations by Tee for the lovely pendant! It was so unexpected and awfully sweet. Go check out her Etsy Shop, it's great. :o)
I'm reading: Pa-Pa-Paparazzi!!Tweet this Post


  1. Wootwoot! Happy belated birthday! *throws Jennifer in the air* So sorry I missed it.
    Your parrot looks like great fun to be around! Hilarious! :)

  2. My grandma had an African parrot too, he was very chatty! He used to yell "Mom" and my mom would run outside thinking my sister was calling her!

  3. Ahhh, I love your vain parrot, she´s so cute and pretty!!! :)

  4. I'm frightened of birds but I have to admit that that is a fairly cute photo on the top right.
    Happy birthday Jenn's Uncle Bob. Enjoy your day.


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