Saturday, September 2, 2017


I made some of my own toned paper the other day. I wanted to practice on toned paper so I would be ready for all the sketchbooks, pads and paper that will be arriving for my toned paper comparison post. I'm so excited to be able to try paper from Hahnemühle, Strathmore, Stillman & Birn, Canson, Global Arts and Fabriano. It'll be quite the comparison, with sketchbooks, wire bound journals, pads, loose paper, multi colors, ranges, weights... so exciting.

I thought I should sharpen my skills and work myself up to all that fun so here's my first toned paper piece. I used Arches 300gsm/140lb hot pressed paper then mixed Schmincke Neutral tint with some Schmincke Payne's Blue grey. Two of my favorite colors and they make the perfect toned paper, not too cool, not too warm.

I can immediately see that toned paper is very different to work with. I have to think differently about what to keep. Normally it's the whites one worries about with watercolor. Here I have to try and recognize the mid tones. I love having a new challenge! I ordered some Strathmore toned tiles and they arrived yesterday so I'll be able to play around with those this weekend. They're 4" x 4", 216gsm/80lb paper in a neutral grey color. The paper is opaque, one cannot see through it when it's put against a light source. I'm sure they're marketed for zentanglers but they're also great for doing little masterpieces, lol. These tiles also come in tan.

I'm finding that my Uniball Signo White pen works great for hi lighting and then I'm using my Faber-Castell watercolor pencils to add color. I still have to learn how to leave more of the grey paper, that also may come down to choosing the right subject. We'll see. In both photos, that's my new Winsor & Newton Series Seven brush! It's awesome, pointed enough to add detail in the smallest piece. Wonderful size 4 with soft Kolinsky Sable brush hairs that gives beautiful spring and holds a lot of water. 

I ordered from Sticker Mule when I got a great deal for new stickers. I wanted to get my bee as I've added him as my mascot and avatar throughout my social media. They were really helpful. When my picture that I took of my bee wasn't big enough, they told me how to increase his size using available software. They had a proof I could see before I ordered and it was really easy to do. I'll be ordering again from them for sure. Here's what they look like...

Here's some good news for you! If you use this link you can get a $10 store credit on your order! It's wonderful to have a physical artifact of your work to give to friends and associates. It's like a calling card.

Enjoying: My new Series 7 Winsor & Newton brush. Post to come soon!
Joining: An artist community called EatSleepDraw. Super easy to participate on.
Eating: Fresh organic peaches. I was smart and photographed them first! Painting to come.
Visiting: Sandra Strait of Life Imitates Doodles.
Thanking: Sandra Busby for the link to a great Instagram hack. It lets you add more then one link in your Instagram profile. Awesome!


I'm reading: StragglersTweet this Post


  1. Working with gray or tan tones are difficult, but you've done a fantastic job!

  2. Oh, and thank you for the shout out!

  3. Exciting discovery times ahead Jenn.
    Fantastic bee... I love him and what a great idea to have him buzz about calling on people. Sticker Mule sounds like a great company to work with.
    Have fun!


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