Wednesday, August 30, 2017

New Winsor & Newton Supplies

Last month I won three tubes of Artist quality Winsor & Newton watercolors, a Series 7 W&N brush and a spiral bound 5" x 7" sketchbook of 300gsm cold pressed watercolor paper. Really, I never win anything and since I won two gifts of paint in one month I'm taking it as a sign to keep painting and putting myself out there. Hey, my motto is Just Add Water Silly after all. ;o)

The three colors included are French Ultramarine, Alizarin Crimson and Burnt Sienna. I have been jonesing to try W&N Burnt Sienna since I found out it's transparent. I don't really love my Daniel Smith Burnt Sienna and I find DS Quin Burnt Orange too, well, orange, lol. 
The information about these colors is in the 1/2 pan painting below. I found that the French Ultramarine worked much like the Daniel Smith and Schmincke. I don't have Alizarin Crimson in my palette. When I went to create a palette I originally didn't add any fugitive colors. Aliz.Crimson is slightly fugitive but I've learned from a good friend, Tracey, that if you mix permanent colors with fugitive colors it makes the fugitives much more permanent. I'll be adding this color along with the Burnt Sienna to my palette.

The Burnt Sienna is the best find EVER. Yes it has a little less strength than the Daniel Smith Burnt Sienna or Quin Burnt Orange but the best part about it is it's NOT too orange AND it's TRANSPARENT!! I was so surprised to fall in love with this color. As I've mentioned above, Burnt Sienna and it's ilk have been the bane of my existence. Until now I hadn't found one I liked. It's such a great mixer so I really wanted to love a Burnt Sienna, now I do!

I used only the three colors above to paint these blueberries. It worked well as I could make a Payne's Grey with Burnt Sienna + Ultramarine. I could also make a version of PB60 (Indanthrone blue) with the same colors. I achieved a reasonable purple with Ultramarine + Alizarin Crimson.
These are great professional paints and I'm thrilled to have discovered the Burnt Sienna, it was love at first sight & meant to be. In fact, I've already emptied the tube! My full pan is only half full because I have use so much of my new Winsor & Newton Burnt Sienna. I'll have to save my pennies for another tube. I never want to be without this color!

I'll be putting up a review of the Series 7 No. 4 brush and the W&N watercolor paper that was part of this set very soon.

Learning: How to set up a WordPress blog
Eating: Prebiotic and Probiotic foods to improve gut bacteria
Reading: Robert Dugoni's newest "Close To Home"(preorder here) & "Gut Balance Revolution" by Mullen
Wishing: I knew someone who knew how to install and use Wordpress. ARGGG!!
Joining: PPF, thanks for hosting Kristin & Eva. Come on over and see what we created.


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  1. They look good enough to eat! My watercolor teacher won't let us use real Payne's Gray. You have captured the color and variations of the color perfectly.

  2. I sent an email to you with my address. Let me know if you get it. I don't know how to tie my email in with my blog so I just have the email in the sidebar of the blog.

  3. Now I have joined an Art Group as a fraudulent budding Artist I am lapping up your suggestions!
    Wren x

  4. Lovely post! It is so exciting to fall in love with a new color! Those blueberries are completely wonderful

  5. those blueberries are fabulous Jenn-wow!!! Funny , I was just looking thru my paints to see if I had any of the alizarin crimson (acrylic). I don't. Must get some when there's a sale on Liquitex. Keep going with your watercolor art, you don't realize how talented you are. Happy PPF!

  6. Wonderful colours and paintings. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  7. Congrats on your win and lovely work too!

  8. Congratulations on the wins.I never win anything.Seriously. So it is nice to hear when someone does win. I know you will put these paints and supplies to very good use. Wonderful art.

  9. Those blueberries are delicious! Congratulations on winning, especially exciting that you are using them and letting us enjoy them with you.


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