Sunday, November 27, 2016

Book Review: "The Graphic Vegetable" by Michael B. Emery & Irwin Richman

"The Graphic Vegetable"  by Michael B. Emery & Irwin Richman publishes today, November 28, 2016 and is available to purchase.

This is a beautiful and visually stunning book. I contacted the publisher so I could have a hard copy to review as I didn't think my Kindle would do it justice. I'm so glad I did. As an artist I appreciate this book even more. It is really a love letter to vegetables and the way we've advertised them over the many years.

I have always been fascinated by seed packets and old can labels so the collection of photographs in this book is right up my alley. Alongside all the awesome vegetable artwork is an historical look at how we've seen vegetables on our tables in the last century. The authors start the book by discussing how vegetarianism got started then the book moves through each group of vegetable including onions, beets, carrots, kale, cucumber, peas, herbs etc. 

As I said above, it is obvious that this was a work of love for the authors. I find all the information fascinating but what I really love is the visual data, all the beautifully rendered artwork done in homage to the humble vegetable. If you are a visual person like me and get joy out of just seeing amazing artwork or, like the authors are irresistibly drawn to historical drawings and knowledge then this book is for you. It would make a sumptuous coffee table book for any artist or foodie. That's where mine is right now, where friends can peruse a beautifully rendered history of vegetables in both word and picture form. I think it would make an unusual but perfect Christmas gift for that hard-to-buy-for person.


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