Saturday, June 4, 2016

Book Review: "Ink & Bone" by Lisa Unger

"Ink & Bone" by Lisa Unger will be published on June 7, 2016. If you like paranormal type mysteries this just might be right up your alley.

Finley Montgomery has been sensitive since she was little. She sees dead people as the psychic saying goes. As she approaches adulthood her powers are becoming more difficult to integrate into her normal life. The only person she knows who could help guide her as she becomes more able to use her unusual abilities is her grandmother Eloise, a renowned psychic. So, against her mother's wishes Finley moves to The Hollows, New York. The Hollows is an unusual place, it seems to draw people to it when it needs something. 

Finley and Eloise take on a cold case with Jones Cooper, a detective Eloise has worked with many times in the past. Ten months ago a little girl named Abbey went missing and her mother, Merri Gleason, has contacted Jones as a last resort. Merri has heard of the phenomenal successes in similar cases that Jones and Eloise have worked. She just hopes a miracle can happen and her daughter will be returned. Finley ends up taking the lead in the case, with her grandmother's help maybe her gifts can do some good. Finley must piece together all the information coming at her to help find this little girl and in this process she may solve many other mysteries buried deep in The Hollows.

This was a good, solid although unusual mystery. Ms. Unger writes smoothly and this makes the reading go down so easily. To enjoy this book though, one would have to believe somehow in other worldly happenings. I have no problem suspending disbelief and embracing psychic phenomenon so I found that I really enjoyed the journey.

I"nk & Bone" is a wonderfully unique look at psychic phenomena without all the usual unbelievable baggage. Finley must use the feelings she gets and interpret what it all might mean. She is a complex character and I can see that Ms. Unger will surely use this her again to start a series. There is so much to get to know about Finley and it seems obvious that this book is the beginning of something unique. One small caveat: since I think this is the start of a series, I found myself wanting more in a slightly negative sense. I felt that some of the relationships were left hanging so in a small way the book felt a little unfinished. I would think that's a problem when starting a new series, you can't just give away everything all at once. There's so much more to say in future books which left me hanging a little in this one. Because of that unfinished feeling I would give this book a three and a half stars out of five but since I can't go halvsies I'll round it up to a four star book.

I did find that the character Finley and her position at the beginning of her psychic journey made me think of what I wanted in the future. Finley didn't want the future to choose her, she wanted to choose her own path. This sentiment gave me pause and caused me to think about whether I was drawing my own life script or just letting it happen. I like books that cause me to look inward. It makes for a much deeper reading experience. 


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