Sunday, March 6, 2016

It'a All About The Shadows

(Click to Enlarge)
So I finally got those pesky paint tubes all painted up. I don't think I've ever done such an intense and filled piece before but I really love how it turned out. It's surprising, as you'll see, how many subtle shadows were removed just by scanning the page. I noticed that and then also took some photos. Only lately have I started exclusively scanning my art. I noticed how inaccurate photographing a page was once I started scanning. This problem of losing the subtle shades has only happened once before but I can still see how horribly I have to correct the coloration of any photo I take, so scanning it is.

Speaking of shadows, I was shocked to see the difference between the scan of the finished paint tubes without their cast shadows compared to the finished piece with the cast shadows. I'm not great at cast shadows, I work every time to improve them but still they elude me. I therefore decided to scan my piece of art before I screwed up tackled the cast shadows for each tube. I was amazed, flabbergasted and, well, I must say, kinda thrilled to see what a difference they made. Yes, they're simple cast shadows. There's no complimentary colors in them from each tube or any other color play to make them more real. I decided the page was just too full to play around with anything more complicated than a one color shadow. I chose my new Daniel Smith Moonglow, I love this new color, so unique and cool and perfect for this job.

Now, here's the subtle yet very cool difference between the piece with and without their cast shadows... see what you think. I think they actually (the cast shadows, that is) make the page look more real or accessible.
(With Cast Shadows Under Tubes)
(Without Cast Shadows Under Tubes)
I hope everyone is enjoying their March and I'm sure you're all looking forward to Easter and chocolate bunnies. What's your favorite Easter treat?? Leave me a comment, I really want to know. (Ok, I want to live vicariously through you and drool a little thinking of all that sugary goodness.)


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  1. It looks amazing, Jenn! What size paper did you use?

  2. moonglow looks awesome... thinking i will need me some of that now... like paynes but with a purple base... and i love the shadows... this is a fabulous piece Jenn

  3. Definitely with the cast shadow Jenn, they're fantastic!
    You've really shown the difference in comparing them. I have trouble with shadows FULL STOP! so I don't think scanning or photographing make much difference to me. I need to practice more.
    You certainly gave yourself a tough challenge with those tubes, but you really pulled it off. It's brilliant!
    That Moonglow certainly looks awesome... it's now on my wish list.
    Now Jenn, I'm not fussy what kind, shape or flavour chocolate is... I'll eat it all!
    Have a wonderful weekend


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