Thursday, March 24, 2016

Carrots For The Easter Bunny

It's total coincidence that I chose carrots to do this close to Easter. But since the carrots are so colorful I'm sure the Easter Bunny will love them. I'm totally using them as payment for chocolate. Seems to me it's a fair trade.

When I found this photo on the internet I was shocked to find out that carrots come in such riotous colors. I mean, I know you can now get green, orange or purple cauliflower but holy COW, who knew there were bright pink, weird yellow, purple and off white carrots. I even saw a photo where there were also light turquoise carrots. Unbelievable.

Anyway, I'm so thrilled that I finally seem to be finding some kind of personal style after years of not being able to find myself in my own art. The shadows were totally fun to do in this one because they're bold, love that. The whites I added using my Signo white pen show up much brighter because of the scanner than what actually shows on the paper. So here's to a wonderful Easter for all of you, I wish you all the chocolate bunnies you can capture!
Colorful Carrots
We'll talk later, K? You'll have to forgive me though, I'll probably be on a post Easter sugar high. Oh, which part of your chocolate bunny do you eat first? I don't get a choice. It's been a tradition that my mom ALWAYS eats the ears off my bunny (I'm now 45 and still I have never eaten chocolate bunny ears). This means I always start with the tail. ;o)


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  1. I've cooked coloured carrots, but I think it's so much better to paint them first. You've done a brilliant job here and I'm thrilled that you're finding your own style. I'm still on the hunt for mine!
    As to the ears... you don't know what you're missing, but it's only right that Mum's get first dibbs and if it were me I'd take the ears first too.
    Have a wonderful weekend and see you on the other side with the sugar high! Hugs to you and your bunny ear loving Mum


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