Sunday, December 6, 2015

Book Review: "Fixed In Fear" By T. E. Woods

"Fixed In Fear" By T. E. Woods comes out on December 8, 2015. I have read every book in the Fixer series and loved them all. I found this one to be the most intense Fixer yet.

Detective Mort Grant can't believe his beautiful daughter has become a deadly criminal. Mort knows she's dangerous but when Allie shows up at his granddaughter's soccer game claiming she misses her family, Mort is confused about what to do. He is desperate to have Allie back in the family fold but he is unsure if she is prepared to give up her former life as a criminal.

On top of the threat that Allie brings into Mort's life, the detective is also working on a brutal murder case. Mort is helping to find the killer of five innocent people participating in a sweat lodge. One of the murder victims is a family member of Mort's best friend, Larry and Mort wants to solve this painful incident quickly so his friend can grieve in peace. The conclusion of the murder will tear Larry's life apart.

This book was a solid five out of five. If found myself holding my breath as I read page after page. I had trouble putting my Kindle down. Over these five Fixer books I've gotten to know the two main characters, The Fixer and Mort Grant. T.E. Woods expertly lets us learn about the deep personal nuances of her characters and because of her excellent writing skills I found myself hurting for the characters. It is unusual for a book to drill deep into my consciousness. This one did. I found myself days later thinking about how I would feel or what I would do if similar things happened to me. That makes this a stellar thriller. Go read this series, you'll not be disappointed.


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