Friday, November 13, 2015

AEDM - Day Twelve & Thirteen

I obviously meant this to go up for Remembrance Day but it took too much time to finish. Do you mind seeing poppies on November thirteenth?? I can't believe it's already thirteen days into AEDM. Where does the time go?

The poppies were so much fun to do. I really did splash paint around, all over my arms (as I put one into a puddle of paint on the page, lol) and drips on my desk. This is probably the messiest I've ever painted. I wanted it to be really free form, the impression of bright red poppies. I'm actually pretty darn pleased for my very first attempt at freeform painting. I really didn't plan anything but the stems (I didn't want to paint over them inadvertently as it's hard to un-paint quin red and pure yellow, they're quite staining.) I just made four mixes of color, pure red, yellow mix, dark red-purple mix and a dark black type color, I used neutral tint actually. I knew I'd just dip and paint for all the other nuances. It worked terrifically, well, except now my palette is kind of a mess, lol. But then that's the best kind of mess, right?? The more paint everywhere the better.

NEVER FORGET - Remembrance Day Poppies
Anyway, here's wishing all of you artist a great and happy weekend filled with art. My plan is to cover myself in some kind of art supplies, maybe graphite or charcoal or something this time. We'll see, I try not to plan my creativity too much, lol.
Talk soon, K? Good!


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  1. Hello Jenn. This starting is so beautiful. The colors and the small details bring it to life.I am so glad i found your blog. Thank you for visiting my blog, too.Hope you have a nice Friday. I will be checkinh for the rest of November. Cheers to art everyday :)

  2. I love your poppies. Great painting and composition.

    And...I would love to see you in all this mess. Happily smiling :)

  3. They ARE beautiful! Good job. And good for you for getting messy. :-)Sometimes we forget how much fun that can be!

  4. Very pleasing to the eye! A wonderful result--I would never have guessed that it's not a style you're used to. Please feel free to experiment further in this direction, if you wish--I'd love to see what happens!

  5. Your poppies are awesome. Freeform painting - wow - sounds like fun and yes, messy can be fun. But I'll try and keep away from that mess for the timebeing. Just until I have a little studio/room for myself and nobody but me cares about it :) Have a great weekend!

  6. These are incredible, Jenn. I was super impressed with the colors and the composition. This was a stunning entry for AEDM, and a true masterpiece.

  7. Definitely the best kind of mess! I love poppies and yours are just fab! They really are tremendous. Love the wonderful shading and white highlights. Thank you for your comment on my blog. I'm sorry that you struggle too with your health, one day at a time is a great motto. Don't you find art helps!


Please leave me a comment, I've sure missed hearing from you!


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