Monday, November 2, 2015

ADEM - Day Two

I only got a few things inked out today. They await paint but you gotta admit that they look like they'll turn out to be fun projects. I'm looking forward to giving character to every one of my watercolor paint tubes! And Ohhh, ice-cream. It makes me wish for summer again. The ice-cream page reminds me of the song from Sesame Street. You know the one...
One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong.
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?
Yep, I'm pretty much aging myself. Sesame Street, before Teletubbies, Thomas the Train and all the other kiddie shows. It was always Bugs Bunny and Sesame Street. Which was your favorite character? Mine was Cookie Monster and Oscar the Grouch. My time was before the eternally happy and endlessly red Elmo. If I was a kid now, I'd totally choose Elmo. I'd be all over that.
Watercolor TubesPopsicles & Ice-Ceam
The tubes of paint are ALL of my tube colors, mostly Daniel Smith. Each tube has it's own unique crumpled appearance and I'm gonna try to capture that uniqueness. Anyway, see you in a day, probably in color, lol.

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  1. Ha... you're aging yourself you say... well I watched Sesame Street when my daughter was a wee toot! Now that's aging me!
    Your prep looks very exciting and just ready to go. Can't wait to see.
    I'm not sure I'll manage art every day. Maybe I might pop in a few times over the month. I just wish I could but I'll certainly be eagerly watching.
    Have fun ;D

  2. Oo, I look forward to seeing what you do with these!
    They look like they could be VERY fun! :D

    With best wishes from another AEDM participant...

  3. I never got to see Sesame Street because my grandparents didn't allow a TV in the house while I was growing up. I didn't see a TV until the early 80s, so by then it was Miami Vice, but no Big Bird! Love that you will be in color by the time I return tomorrow. Seems I'm running a day behind already!

  4. I think the black and white drawings are elegant on their own. I look forward to seeing the color


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