Thursday, August 6, 2015

Changing My Palate

Green Bean Love
No, not that palette, lol. I mean the one in my mouth. I've found that lately I like foods, actually LOVE foods, that I used to HATE. All my life I've hated green beans. I know, even the fresh ones right from a warm, sunny garden patch. Nope, hated them. You could boil them, sauté them or even casserole them and I would consistently hate them. But the other day our next door neighbors went to the market and brought home fresh green beans and they shared some of them with us. 

I shivered with horror. Beans, in my house?? In my kitchen? Polluting my refrigerator? Ewwww. Well, since our lovely neighbors brought them, I felt obligated to use them. So, the other night we sautéed them up in a little olive oil, salt & pepper. HOLY COW! I LOVE GREEN BEANS!! Who knew? Not me, that's for sure. I was shocked.
I knew my palate had changed lately, I mean, I'd had a similar experience a few months earlier when I discovered that I newly LOVED olives. OLIVES?? Yup. I had hated them for almost forty-five years. I had tried them over and over but to no avail. Then one day I tried an antipasto and TADA! I now loved olives. I eat olives with everything now. I love them alone or with mozzarella cheese. I love them in my vegetable soup and especially on gluten free pizza. YUMMM! Any color, any kind, I'm not picky. Big ones, small ones, black ones, green ones, even stuffed ones.

Golden Beet (painted last month)
I wonder what the next thing will be that I decide to like. So far I still don't like beets. Besides, the sheer pigment in them freaks me out. I mean if you drop them on your shirt it's gonna leave a terrible stain. I'd rather paint them like I did a month or so ago. I'll love them from afar. It took more than thirty years to get myself to love coffee. Then it took another fifteen years to convince my palate that it didn't need heaps of Coffee Mate with the tablespoons of sugar for me to love it. I'm a fickle pickle. Ooh, I now like all things pickled too, which I hear is a good thing. Somehow the fermenting/pickling process is good for digestion.

Well talk soon, I'm sure. There's always another fruit or veggie hanging around these parts to paint. ;o)


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1 comment:

  1. Love that you are finding new things to love... I pretty much love any vegetable I meet... Beets , sprouts, love them all... Beets roasted and cooled then chopped small and tossed with some feta, oil and lots of mint is one of my favourite salads ever... You have to try it... You might find beets are your friend too...And olives are one of the things we all fight over here... Lots of stealing from each other's plates and the like... So happy you are developing such fabulous tastes!


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