Thursday, July 30, 2015

Heavy Clouds, No Rain

Sting sang it best in his song "Heavy Clouds No Rain":
Turned on the weather man just after the news.
I needed sweet rain to wash away my blues.
He looked at the chart but he looked in vain,
Heavy cloud but no rain.
Yup, that's what we've had for several months. I live in British Columbia, Canada, specifically on Vancouver Island. In May, June & July we're supposed to average about 160mm of rainfall. This year we've only had 23mm. Our region has officially been declared a level 4 drought. 
Rusty Watering Can
We're so used to having rainy weather that one of the jokes going around here is we don't tan, we rust. Well, not this year. We compare to Seattle for our reputation on rainfall. You go to Seattle for good coffee and wet (bad) hair days. ;o) I actually love rain so it's no problem. I find this dry, humid and mostly hot weather quite perplexing and it affects my mood negatively. I thrive on rainy days and I have to admit, I miss the sound of rain hitting the roof and pelting the ground.

It did make me happy though when I painted up this rusty watering can. I just love how it turned out! That's it for today, I'm gonna go pray for rain. Anyone know a good rain dance?

I'll be back soon with my palette (I just added a few new SPECTACULAR colors to my lineup) and a post about watercolor paint in general. Also, keep your eyes on my sidebar (that-a-way)---> there will be a new addition. I'm collecting all my drawings and paintings about my supplies and putting them in the same place. OOH, then I get to make a button to lead you to all that art. LOL. Ya gotta love paintings about paint, right? Hehehe. Talk soon.

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  1. Your watering can is brilliant Jenn,
    Seriously good. I love the tones you've used... they really are incredible. No wonder your pleased with it!
    It reminded me of my Grandmother's watering can. It had so many dints and chinks. A real character.
    I could certainly spare some rain from here if only you could design a button for your sidebar 😉
    Have a great creative week with a dash of rain perhaps xoxo

  2. Agree with Neesie about the watering can. Also wish you had some of our rain from here in "sunny" Florida (that's a joke). It has rained 7" in 12 hours. This morning we were jolted awake at 5:00 a.m. by horrendous thunder and lightening. Rain, rain, GO AWAY!!! Kathy in Fl


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