Monday, June 8, 2015

Raiding The Crisper

Finished Fruit &Veg #1
I forgot to show you the final finished painting yesterday. Here's how it looks all together. I really love how it turned out. I'm doing Delicious Paint with Tracey Fletcher King over on Community Thrive and I'm loving it more than chocolate! If you know me at all, that's saying something.

Today I'm starting on a new Arches 140lb piece of 12x16 piece of hot pressed paper. This time Tracey got us to put a blob of color down first, then to draw a piece of produce over it. So, here's what it looked like with just the drawings over the paint blobs. As you can see, I plainly painted the orange pepper and the chili pepper too dark already. So, that's what I did first, knocked back the color on the page already. 

Paint Blobs Drawing

I used one of my water brushes, squeezed some water on the pepper and scrubbed until I had gotten down about two shades for both the orange and the red pepper. I let all that dry then carefully added a bit of yellow to the end of the banana before I even started layering color at all. The original color used for the banana was a mixture of pure yellow, new gamboge and yellow ochre.

I moved equally between the banana and the orange pepper, as one dried, I'd work on the other. The bananas ended up a tiny bit more bruised than I planned but then I was probably dreaming about my mom's banana bread recipe. Gotta get her to make some of that soon. Truly yummo!

Orange Pepper
I used gouache white to add highlights. What a revelation that was! I've never used gouache before but it so totally adds subtle highlights! I love the subtly compared to the Sharpie or Signo Uniball white pen. Totally worth going out and purchasing a tube. I used it right from the tube so it's really easy. I have Winsor & Newton Zinc White Gouache but I've heard that Schmincke makes the best Gouache by far. I just happen to have W&N laying around.

On to asparagus. I call them A-Pair-Of-Guys, ok, I think it's funny. These were seriously fun to paint up. I ended up adding some carbazole violet and then layer buff titanium and yellow ochre for the pips. They were hard to get right. If I wasn't starting with a leaf green they would have been easier but to cover the green I had to use buff titanium really thickly and it's well known to be opaque because of the titanium in it. I can't wait to do a whole set of a-pair-a-guys all on their own. I think they'll make delicious kitchen art.

I have a bunch of veg left to paint: pea pods, chili pepper, carrots, mushrooms and blueberries again so I'll be at this for many more blog posts. That's not even taking into account that I have several more videos to watch. I think I need more hazelnut coffee and chocolate. 

Talk soon? Well obviously!!

I'm reading: Raiding The CrisperTweet this Post


  1. Yup - crazy, cool bananas - makes me want to bake Banana Muffins (way quicker and easier than bread - plus it is already portioned out!)
    LOVE your work!

  2. You are having a fantastic time because you can see and hear it in your post... but I'm worried about the chocolate statement! I know I'm loving the classes too but I can't abandon my chocolate. It's been with me through thick and thin. Maybe I'll put it on par with the classes. There that's that sorted.
    Brilliant bananas... Brown spots and all. Genius
    See you in class. xoxo

  3. oh I love this so much, it is beautiful!!!!!!

  4. definitely more chocolate. you can never have too much of that :) for me it is jelly bellies. love your kitchen art! i always have - anytime you just watercolor real life things - makes me smile :)


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