Saturday, May 16, 2015

A Little This & That

B&W ways to add water Moleskine page
So I've been aimlessly playing in my sketchbook. I should have taken the time to explore crosshatching a week ago as I'm taking SBS's "Stretching" course, their fourth installment of Sketchbook Skool. I guess this time I'm not feeling as inspired as several of the teachers are into imagination and drawing faces. Really not my thing. I wish I felt more enthusiastic. But week four was good.

Week four was France Bellville Van Stone's week of classes and I loved her work. She even has a new book out that I bought, it's called SKETCH! So, I was supposed to be practicing crosshatching but all I only got as far as the outlines then chickened out. LOL. I thought the placement on the page looked so cute I didn't want to screw it up. *sigh*. I have to learn to be less afraid. That brings me to my next bit of news.

My good friend and all round lovely person, Tracey Fletcher King, is going to be giving an online class over on Thrive. Thrive is an online artistic community that is now offering classes! They asked Tracey if she'd like to teach a class and so starting this June 1st, Tracey will be teaching an online art course called Delicious Paint. I'm so darn excited because I've wanted Tracey to start teaching so I could soak up all the stuff she knows. My birthday present from my family is a place in the course so I get my wish.

Above is little video I've pilfered from Trace's site, hope she doesn't mind. It's about how to paint a carrot. If you'd like to see part 2, just click here and go to her blog post. If you want to sign up for her course (and who wouldn't!) go here. On the other hand, if you want more information because you don't just take my golden word on everything, hehehe, go to Tracey's blog. There you can watch and read all about the course. It's gonna be a blast, I sure hope to see you in class. There's only fifty places in total and twenty are already gone so hurry, you only  have a few weeks to make a decision on whether you're gonna take advantage of a fantastic offer, to learn from the best. Oh, and if you don't know Tracey's work, here's a link to her Pinterest Page so you can peruse her beautiful and inspiring art to your heart's desire. I warn you though, it's gonna make you want to take her course!!

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the shout out and the very kind words... You are simply too sweet for words... Looking forward to seeing what you create in class...xx


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