Thursday, December 11, 2014

Just A Little Note...

I thought I'd tell all of you about the free introductory class from Sketchbook Skool. Anyone who has thought of signing up but has been reluctant can try it out first and get your feet wet, so to speak. This allows all of you who just don't know what it would be like to take a course to try before you buy. Isn't that great?

Anyway, here's the link to sign up for the free mini class. Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday Season. APR will start up in January 2015. :o) I'm reading: Just A Little Note...Tweet this Post


  1. Hi Jenn! We are getting slowly back on our feet and I am even back to creating, Yay! I missed visiting blogs but as you know, I was 'lost' and lived under a rock for a long time... I hope the path leads further up and I hope to catch up with you/your blog much more in the new year! Good to see you're doing fine (oh and your painting looks as amazing as ever, it's somewhat more 'loose' as you state yourself, due to the workshops, and I can see the fun and improvement... you go girl!!)

  2. Well I'm in Jenn, thanks to you and the link ;D
    Now let the fun begin xoxo


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