Tuesday, November 11, 2014

AEDM Day Twelve

Today I decided to use a very cool website called All About Birds. There you can look up any bird and get information all about it. I Googled British Columbian bird species and then looked them up on the website. I decided to  draw up a Swallow and a red-breasted Nuthatch. Don't you just love the name Nuthatch? Just the name of the bird made me want to draw it. I used waterproof pen and then Faber-Castell Albrecht Durer watercolor pencils.

The next piece of art has been a long time coming. Lemons were on my list to draw and paint for over a year but I never got around to it. Then I took "Beginnings" in Sketchbook Skool and Tommy Kane was the last teacher we had that taught a class. One of the videos he did as an extra was to teach us how to crosshatch successfully. He did a lemon. The lemon then went to the top of my list to do. I LOVED his lemon and wanted to be able to loosen up my style and to a Tommy Kane Lemon. It took me three months to get around to it but the wait was worth it. I had to wait until I was comfortable enough to just trust that the lines would eventually come together to make my lemon look great. Here it is, I'm kinda happy with it. :o)

It's A Lemon! (Entered into AEDM Day Twelve)
Other than that, all I'm doing here in Canada is freezing my A** off!! We have a polar vortex that has gripped Canada and the whole northern half of the continent is in it's grip. Please send battery powered slippers, extra warm blankets and LOTS of K-Cup coffee packs. (when I make a cuppa I get in the cup and swim around for a while to warm up.) I'm FREEZING HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Later gator. I gotta go find a blanket and turn up the heat again.

If you're looking for this week's APR just click here.
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  1. Love your birdies and lemon. Sos sorry you are freezing. It is mild here in N.E. Pennsylvania, USA but they are forecasting some cold in the near future so we have our supply of k cups on hand too!

  2. Oh no so sad to hear you are freezing! Over here in Atlantic Canada we are at a nice 10C for now.

    We too have the nuthatches here and we just love them along with all birds we see. This year we had some Goldfinches visit our feeders which was so exciting! I am always amazed at those who can draw birds in such detail and your lemon is wonderful!

  3. Virginia from AEDM here. Thanks for the share on the website! And I wish I had the patience to draw birds as well as you do! Lovely!


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