Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Selfies & Adventures in Paint

Ok, so as I said in my last post, I'm back in Sketchbook Skool. This time the class is called "Seeing". My second teacher in this six week course is Koosje Koene and she has assigned selfies for this week's homework. Koosje is a terrific teacher and I'm learning so much from her. Just watching her draw stuff makes me see that it doesn't have to be difficult. Here's an example...

Above is a video that shows how foreshortening circles makes it so much easier to draw stuff. This is one of the easy things that you can learn in SBS along with more complicated stuff and the confidence to try all of it.

That's what this week is about for me. I haven't ever really drawn portraits of myself (or anybody else for that matter, lol). My mom is a wonderful portrait artist and I always envied her skill. I just didn't think I could ever do it. I mean, I'm good with drawing other stuff, no one has to be good at everything, right? Well, I was wrong. Who knew I'd learn that I, in fact, can draw faces. Here's my first selfie.

Title: "Who Lives Behind Your Eyes?"
I'll be joining up with a bunch of other artists to do the yearly AEDM project that comes around every November. Leah at Creative Everyday does an art get together every November where artists pledge to do some sort of art every single day. I think this challenge helps make a habit of doing art and recording your life. Read all about AEDM here and sign up for November 2014 here. The start of the challenge is only days away and I'm so looking forward to combining SBS and AEDM. It'll force me to produce more and since making art always makes me happy, this challenge can only make me a happier artist!!

Artist: Tracey Fletcher King
One last thing before I let you go. My very good friend Tracey Fletcher King is celebrating the fact that she's starting up her Cuppa With Friends project again, now that her breast cancer treatment is over. She is being supported by a great tea company (Tracey is crazy about her tea!) called The Tea Spot who has donated a gorgeous red teacup so Tracey can do a giveaway. Go to her blog if you want to support her and enter the giveaway and if you want to participate in her art project Cuppa With Friends just go there and read all about it, it's such a cool idea, I wish I'd thought of it myself!

Speaking of myself, I'm off to draw another half a dozen selfies. Thank GOD my model doesn't seem to mind sitting still as I draw her! ;o) Later Gator.

If you're looking for this week's APR just click here.
I'm reading: Selfies & Adventures in PaintTweet this Post


  1. thanks for the share... you are too sweet, and I love your drawing... such gorgeous eyes... wow... so happy you are enjoying Skool and getting so much out of it...xx

  2. Your face is fabulous. I'm doing the same course but my faces are terrible. I don't like being public so they aren't up.
    Thanks so much for the video, who knew it was so easy to draw a circle. I get weird shaped blobs normally but I'm going to use that technique from now on. Thanks for finding my Facebook page.
    Luv Von xx


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