Wednesday, August 13, 2014

It's A Bird, It's A Plane.... Nope, It's a Bird!

This is my final homework for Roz's class on how to draw and paint animals. It's amazing the amount of information that woman can impart in one short class. So well worth the price to do SketchBook Skool. I never thought I could draw animals accurately. I've had artist friends who paint animals and I was always amazed at their skill. I thought, "I couldn't do that." How wrong I was! I just needed some confidence in my newly found skills and determination learned in SBS. I can't wait for the next course "Seeing" to start.

I started with the two main paintings I wanted to do of Berkley, my beautiful African Grey parrot. Then I added some more fun sketches and drawings of her fooling around. She loved to show how she could put her wings up so I had to add that drawing in. I was so thrilled at how well the sketch came out. It looks just like her, with all her feathers fluffed out. Finally, I had to add her favorite "teddy bear", her little pink pig. We called it LPP for short and she LOVED her so much! We bought her the toy when she was still a baby and it became her teddy bear, she wouldn't go to sleep without it. When we realized how much she relied on her LPP friend, we panicked, thinking... parrots can live more than fifty years! If she breaks that pig, we're DEAD! 

We promptly scoured the pet shops for several exact copies, just in case but by that time, months after buying the first LPP, the brand had moved on to other animal shapes. Seriously, we went to every hole in the ground pet store and finally scraped up four extra Little Pink Pigs. We used to confuse her by putting two on her play pen. She'd go bite one (through the little heart on it's belly, perfect for a birdy beak) and then go kiss the other one, LOL.

Talk to ya'll soon, I have to do my homework first! Hehehe. Tommy Kane is the final teacher for the six week course and he LOVES detail. Go to his blog or buy his book to see the incredible artist he is. Oh, and by the way, ALL his art is done sans pencil. You heard me, right to pen, baby. No waffling for this guy. Oh and also, he never doesn't finish a drawing, even if it goes wonky. He always finishes. Yup, wow, kinda blows one's mind. I gotta go draw my kitchen now. *sigh* ;o)


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  1. OMG, your rendering of your purty girl is so perfect! Jenn, you are amazingly talented -- never doubt that! Pretty soon, you might find yourself moving onto ... Chickens!!

    Glad you're back.

    Much love,

  2. Gorgeous bird! You did a great job capturing all those poses! ~Nydia

  3. aw! he reminds me of a parakeet we used to have when i was about 8 years old. i loved that bird - his name was Georgie-Boy. good times. thanks for the memories, jenn :)


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