Friday, March 1, 2013

New Art Challenge

Hiya. I came across a very cool new Art challenge. (thank you Trace) It really feeds into two of my favorite things, books and art. Art & Sole has started a new Book Art Challenge for 2013. She explains the whole concept here, but let me cover the basics. Our hostess Darcy is calling the monthly challenge The Artful Reading Club and it involves reading a book a month and then doing a piece of art that is inspired by that book. You then do a small blog post reviewing the book and showing your requisite artwork. Link up your blog post on the last Friday of every month. What a wonderful idea! Since I LOVE to read but sometimes feel guilty reading when I think I should be painting, this gives me a reason to read. Hey, I need to have that book finished by the last Friday of the month with artwork to match so read on McDuff, lol.

Ok, here are some other details. Darcy asks us to write a first post announcing that you will be participating in this year long challenge and listing the twelve books that you want to read throughout the year. I'll be honest, I don't know which twelve I'll be reading as I'll definitely be reading the pre-release books I receive but I can at least list the books that are already on my list that need reading and reviewing. Here's my list so far (in no particular order):
  1. Alfa Romeo 1300 by Fabio Bartolomei
  2. The Gathering by Ann Enright
  3. Order of The Black Swan by Victoria Danann
  4. Take Five by Jack Batten
  5. Broken Elements by Mia Marshall
  6. Corporeality by Hollis Seamon
  7. One Step Too Far by Tina Seskis
  8. Sixth Power by Carol Nicolas
  9. The Creative License by Danny Gregory
  10. The Sun Zebra by R. Garcia

Wow, who knew I actually had ten to review already. I gotta get reading, lol. Go on over to Art and Sole and read all the rules etc. I think it's gonna be a great monthly challenge! Oh, and since it's all about books and I finished the bookmarks that I was supposed to finish for last week's APR challenge, it seems appropriate to show them here. Tada!

Title: "BringSpring"The backs of the bookmarksTitle: "Rain"
Thaaaat's all Folks! Get your Blorange art in, we're running out of time this week!! I think I'll go kill someone for a coffee. Hehehe. ;o)


If you're looking for this week's APR just click here.
I'm reading: New Art ChallengeTweet this Post


  1. It will be fun to see what you are inspired to create...xx

  2. a big hearty welcome to the Artful Readers Club! we are all having tons of fun with it


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