Thursday, December 6, 2012

Third Issue Of FEATURING!!!

Holy Cow, we did it!! Whew! We at FEATURING have been working our proverbial behinds off, seriously. Maybe that's why mine seems to be getting smaller. ;o)  After the second issue took an extra month to get out to the public, our Head Honcho, Marit, decided we should really try and get the third issue out for Christmas. And low and behold, we DID IT!! It was a tonne of slaving over a computer, talking to a lot of incredible artists and writing, writing, writing. But we did what seemed impossible just a few months ago. Issue 3 of FEATURING is HERE and available for preorder.

I think this issue is the best one yet. Issue three is jam packed with colourful and intriguing artwork and informative articles. You don't believe me?? You say you want proof?? Hmmm, pushy aren't you?! Hehehe. Ok, since you begged and used your puppy dog eyes, I guess I can give you a sneak peek. But don't tell anyone, you'll get me in trouble, ;o)

Here's a link to a preview of some of the fantastic pages in Issue three. You can read more about many of the articles in this issue here. Here's a list of the articles in this issue...
  • Paper Paintings
  • Monotypes go Mainstream
  • Full Disclosure
  • Poetry, Hidden and Found
  • Somebody’s got to do it
  • Stephanie Drömer
  • An Artist in Berlin
  • Create to the Music
  • The Art of Motherhood
  • They Call Me Mr. Hosta (an article about my own art, YAY!!)
  • Spontaneous Acts of Creation
  • An extraordinary exhibition
  • Three journals
  • Featured Blogger
  • Love Me Do
  • Into the Studio
  • View of the World
A great piece of news is that we at FEATURING have figured out a way of lowering the cost of shipping outside Europe!! Since much of the the magazine is sold to individuals living outside Europe, the owners at FEATURING worked hard to give those people paying the highest shipping a break this Christmas. Cool, huh?

This would make a terrific Christmas present for any artist. Preorder your copy of Issue 3 here. You can still also order Issue 1 and Issue 2. Also, if you want to keep up to date with all things FEATURING, then click here to sign up for the newsletter. Now you'll be in the know about when the newest issue is coming out and any other cool FEATURING news.

Merry Christmas to everyone and enjoy your new issue of FEATURING in your stocking!!

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  1. It does look good doesn't it... excited to get another edition so quickly....xx

  2. ...and *I* already have mine on pre-order without your adorable excitement! I am sooooo looking forward to seeing it. Beyond the content, please relay to Marit my sincere amazement at the production quality of FEATURING. The "book" is wonderful to hold -- the paper quality is fantastic and the printing is beyond par: exactly what a magazine featuring ART should be! I'm a paper freak, so I know when stock is cheapened for subscribers and ramped up to sell/capture a market, and in each edition, the quality remains consistent. I'd rank the production quality far above any magazine to which I subscribe -- including other art journals, National Geographic, photography magazines, etc. Please don't change it!

    Ellen ♥ CardMonkey

  3. Wow - the cheaper shipping did it for me - just couldn't justify paying more for shipping than the magazine. Mine is on pre-order now.

  4. Hey Jennifer... Do you mind if I copy and paste your thorough description of the Featuring order to my blog... My posting is going to be limited for a little while. I burnt four of my fingers on a hot glue gun yesterday and had to go to the urgent care. Basically the glue dripped on four fingers on my left hand... typing is pretty much one handed right now... let me know!

  5. I have mine on pre-order, I really love this magazine. And I'm on the back page :)


Please leave me a comment, I've sure missed hearing from you!


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