Friday, November 2, 2012

November - Art Everyday Month 2012

I'm going to be participating in a daily art challenge throughout the month of November. The challenge is hosted by Leah of ArtEveryday where she posts a linky everyday for any artist who wants to add their art. I'll endeavor to paint or draw something for everyday of November. I may not get a full piece done everyday and I may even miss a few days but I'm gonna try. I'm pretty sure it'll be intense but I also think it may help me form a better pattern of creation for my artwork. I don't like how haphazardly I work and I'd love to be more systematic (and prolific) with my art. That's my goal.

If you'd like to participate, add your name to this Mr. Linky then just click here and read all about it. There is also a Flickr group here that you can join and add your art to November is Art Everyday Month. You don't have to add art everyday, just whenever you have art to add.

I'm already a little late starting as it seems November first got away from me somehow. (I think it hid under the bed and I missed it, lol), I did make art for November 2nd though. Here is my first piece.
Title: "Jack"
I'll be back tomorrow with more art and the day after that and the day after that, and hopefully, the day after that, etc. ;o)

Oh, one last thing. My friend Dion has a cool cooking and entertainment series called "When Artists Cook" that I participate in. My newest submission is up and I thought I'd share. Go Here to read all about how to make a great "stick to your ribs" recipe. If you'd like to read the whole series click here and it'll bring up all the posts so far from all us artist participants. :o) Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween, don't eat too much candy!


Click Here for this week's APR, theme "SHADOW". But hurry, you only have until tomorrow early afternoon to submit! (scroll to the bottom of the post to find the Linky)
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  1. This is awesome those strong white highlghts... I hope you love AEDM as much as I did last year ... it was the highlight of my year...xx

  2. Mmmmm, luv your punkin's! I didn't get to see enough this Halloween. I was traveling the weekend before and some of the stuff I would normally do got swept aside. Yours are lovely!!! Look forward to AEDM-ing with you.

  3. I LOVE Jack. Absolutely amazing. I can't imagine painting something new each day, but I can't imagine any painting, except maybe an AB background (grin). Love those pumpkins, though.

  4. You are doing AEDM as well, just came from Traceys blog and she is doing it too. I'm soo jealous that I can't play as well. Need a few more years to have time off of mum duties. I'll just have to check out what all you guys do (sigh). Love your pumpkin, what an excellent start.

  5. I'm so glad to have found you again, I was away for a while but have rejoined yur blog so I don't miss anything, if my eyes were better I would take part in the challenge, would love to but I have no choice but to step back from trying to do everything, but I certainly can enjoy everyone else's work!! Such beautiful work here today, I hope you are well

  6. I love these pumpkins!!! I have been meaning to sketch pumpkins all fall and haven't gotten to it, i am joining aedm too, see you around!

  7. Gorgeous jack-o-lantern! An overall atmospheric work. I really like it. :-)

  8. Jack is Wonderful!!


Please leave me a comment, I've sure missed hearing from you!


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