Sunday, November 25, 2012

Decisions, Decisions!! (AEDM &APR)

This week's APR is based on a really great idea that another blog friend came across on the web. The idea is to regularly collect ten things from around your house and draw them. I thought I'd do 5 things. I thought about what I wanted to draw. I could draw my pretty perfume bottles with a nail polish and a couple of makeup brushes added in. But then I realized that would be dealing with see-through bottles. I've never tackled that before, and I'll be honest, I just wanted to have fun and get this last piece of art done. I didn't want to have to take two days to figure out how to adequately paint this painting.

I figured it was permissible to just choose five easy to draw items that I could paint and shadow. But then I couldn't choose what to do!! I kept putting it off, feeling overwhelmed with choices. Then this evening I was admiring our mantel, it looks so wonderfully Christmas-y. I realized that I had my five things! Ok, four of the things are the same, but holy cow, the shadowing is so cool, I just had to ink it out. SO, here's my five things for this week's APR. I'll also be entering it into AEDM (Art Every Day Month), Day 25.

Title: My Christmas Mantel
Now that we've nearly finished all of 2012's Artist's Play Rooms, I just want to express my true gratitude to all who participate, whether it's every week or sporadically. I appreciate every darn one of you. Thank you for making APR a spectacular success, I'm humbled by the breadth of talent that shows up every week to participate. I sure hope you all come back on December 29th for the New Year's Artist's Play Room. I'm going to give you all a heads up, think of it as a tiny early Christmas present. On December 29th (Saturday) the theme will be "CELEBRATE". So, do marinate on that for a month and come back just before New Years Eve  to read the APR post and submit your artwork throughout that New Year week.

Have a wonderful holiday month, enjoy your loved ones, both the ones you've inherited through genetics and the ones you've carefully collected throughout your life. I'm sending each one of you much love and Season's Greetings. May all your wishes for the season come true.

Oh, and at the end of this week I will be doing a wrap up of the wonderful art that is submitted, there just won't be a theme. As I said above, you'll have to come back at the end of December to participate in that. If any of you want to send me a Christmas present, I'd LOVE suggestions for next year's APR. What would you like to see as themes? Which themes did you like the best this year? Have you seen a cool theme on another challenge blog that we should use here?? Inundate me with info, THanks so much my friends. Merry Christmas to you all.


Just click here to go to this week's Artist's Play Room. To read about this week's theme, scroll down to the end of the post where you can also add your artwork. Let me be the first to wish all of you an upcoming Merry Christmas!
I'm reading: Decisions, Decisions!! (AEDM &APR)Tweet this Post


  1. Oh, that looks great! I like how you did the shadows. This will really be a challenge for me because I've never done a still life before! Thanks for the inspiration! Now,I'll be looking around my house for my five things...

  2. great composition and take on the topic... I love seeing your work develop and change...
    I will need to get thinking as to what I am going to do for this one... it has been such a pleasure to be part of it all...xx

  3. Hi absolutely love this piece..gorgeous and enchanting..and immediately conjures a feeling of warmth, atmosphere and beauty for me! I love this piece speaks to me..beautiful and gorgeous!!
    Wishing you a beautiful holiday season..and thanks for always hosting these fabulous themes and challenges!

  4. Great drawing - it has a very vintage Christmas feeling to it....we got our Christmas out this weekend too and I love sitting back and enjoying the visual feast of my decorations. Wonder what I can draw.....?

  5. Beautifully done! Love the shadows, too. Have a wonderful holiday season. :)

  6. OH Jen, this is SOOO well done! Your shadows and reflections are fantastic. I also love your line: "...enjoy your loved ones, both the ones you've inherited through genetics and the ones you've carefully collected throughout your life." I do apologize for being absent right now, but we have family in town for a month... I am going ot try to squeeze a last one in this week, but if not - know that I have not deserted you!:-)

  7. There is a nice antique feel to this - love the shadows. Have a great christmas.

  8. I really like this Jenn, it reminds me of a picture of a Victorian mantle at Christmas time. I hope you promise not to laugh when you see mine ;) Mo x

  9. I liked this when I first saw and read it and Now find it even more delicious. There is a magical quality to it that makes my heart happy. Your love of all things Christmas is wondrous!! May yours BE absolutely amazing!!!

  10. This is a beautiful piece! I just saw Stefanie Stark's piece and hopped over here to check things out!


Please leave me a comment, I've sure missed hearing from you!


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