Tuesday, November 13, 2012

AEDM - Day Thirteen & FFAF Challenge

I have another piece that I did in my moleskine for Art Every Day Month (day 13) and I decided to also enter Artists In Blogland's Fall Fearless & Fly Challenge #4. The theme for AIB is actually a three prong choice, you can do one, two or all three parts of the challenge. Here's #4:

Headline Prompt: Security, What makes you feel safe and secure? What rattles your sense of security? Where do you go for comfort and refuge?
Color Prompt: Cool colors (blues, greens, violets, etc.)
Quote Prompt: "You can't make a place for yourself in the sun if you keep taking refuge under the family tree." (Helen Keller)

I decided to use some cool colors but mostly I used the Headline Prompt about what makes me feel safe. The answer? Nature. When I'm feeling especially edgy and out of sorts, when my life seems to be out of control and I don't feel the least bit secure with my place in the world, the best thing I can do for myself is go spend some time in nature. I'll go watch the birds, feed the fish or search for an elusive butterfly flitting from flower to flower.

This grounding of sorts was started in University many years ago. It was my first year at Carleton University in Ottawa. I had stupidly taken an introduction to computers, thinking it would be an easy course. It was anything but. We had to learn basic programming, where the misplacement of one period guaranteed that your program wouldn't work. I HATED it and was seriously struggling to keep my head above water. The course was coming to it's conclusion and the last assignment was due the next day. It was nearly one in the morning and I was panicking. If I didn't finish this, I'd fail the course. I had a little under an hour to figure it all out and still get the last bus home at two. I worked, sweated and nearly cried, sitting in the computer room with dozens of other struggling students. The last few minutes came and went without my being able to find my programming mistake. I'd have to print out what I had and accept a fail. An entire COURSE fail which just might put me on academic probation for my first year in University.

I was devastated, crestfallen and truly freaking out as I walked through the dark quad of the University. I started to cry, scared of what it meant to fail so horribly. What would become of me? I was at my lowest, scared for my future and questioning my abilities. I was emotionally lost as I turned the corner to cross the grass, leading to the bus stop. There, in the dark, right in front of me was a rabbit, a fuzzy, cute little grey bunny. It sat there, twitching it's nose. I took a step toward it and it sat up and looked right at me. I swear I could hear the Universe telling me I'd be ok. The rabbit waited until I started breathing again and hopped into the night. I smiled and wiped away my tears. I'd get over this, I'd add another course next term and make up for the one I had just failed. I'd be ok. Listening and allowing Nature into my heart saved me that night. I was bereft and then a few minutes later I was newly refreshed and happy again. I learned a valuable lesson about myself that night. Nature could rescue my spirit.

So, to fulfill this challenge I'm entering a butterfly flying away in a blue sky. Here's my submission...

Ok, so on to AEDM, day thirteen. I'm struggling to get art done everyday, and today was certainly no different. Hopefully inspiration will find me again tomorrow because I hate being in this limbo where I feel pressured to create something, just to fulfill the day's artwork. I'm thinking this is a stage that I'll work through, crossing my fingers, lol.

I'm still trying to keep some kind of cogent theme for my moleskine, first I did a selection of my art supplies, then an alphabet I could use as titles, then my requisite Hazelnut coffee that I drink copiously throughout my creative endeavors and then I did my new mantra... "Make Art". So today I thought, "what else do I need before I do art?". What came to mind was my ongoing list. I have a list of all the things I have or want to do artistically. The list includes posting on the blog, doing Etsy (which I've been neglecting), making art for Christmas presents and general pieces and ideas I'm working on. I thought I'd do a visual of my list, a Post-It page!! Cute.

Title: Post-It Pile
It's so funny, when you actually get into doing the piece, you no longer feel tired and uninspired. Isn't that strange?? Art seems to lift my spirits even when I wish I could just chuck the day and not make anything. Cool. Oh and if you'd like to see all my other entries into AEDM, just click on any of the photos below.

Day 2 (missed 1)Day 3Day 5 (missed 4)Day 6Day 7
Day 8Day 9Day 10Day 11Day 12
I'll be back tomorrow for day fourteen of Art Every Day Month... this has already been a loooong month, hehehe. I must admit though, it has certainly speeded up both my blogging and my arting. :o) My GOD I need a cuppa. Night all!!


If you're looking for The Artist's Play Room for this week, just click here and scroll down to the end of the post to read all about this week's theme,CHRISTMAS, and add your artwork to the Mr. Linky.
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  1. LOVE your butterfly and 'Post-It' pile, Jenn!! Great story about the rabbit too. I love that nature 'spoke' to you...I think more people need to listen to nature. I've heard that, in some Native American cultures, they believe if you have a question, you will find the answer in nature...be still and quiet, just listen.

    You are so right...I have nearly given up on the 75 day challenge a few times now but, I forced myself to pick up my pens and sketchbook and, I felt so much better afterwards. I'm enjoying your posts for AEDM. xo

  2. Superb design butterfly flying.

  3. your post it note page is fab... awesome idea and a fun way to get something going... the middle of the month is the toughest part, but once you are over the hump it all comes together and then you run out of days for your your work... it is a great process...xx

  4. Jenn, your creative spirit is soaring, even if it doesn't feel like it. This is an awesome post, and truly inspiring...just like you. Keep your toe in that creative stream. Hugs xx

  5. I liked your story about the rabbit, and your beautiful butterfly. Your post it note page, however, got me at hello. :-) Wonderful.

  6. Loved your bunny visitation story. Made me smile. So true, too, for many of us.

    Love the butterfly!!! And that is the cutest page spread of post-its. :)

  7. I am so impressed with what you're doing and have achieved Jenn, in all respects.
    Your post-it page is fantastic and the 'flutterby' so delicate and beautiful.

    But you're not content with all that because then you write a brilliant post giving us not only an insight into your world but also teaching a valuable lesson.
    I always turn to nature so it's great to know that I'm not alone with this concept!

  8. Your butterfly is so colorful- the way you worked the color into the flourish is magical! So glad that Nature could help you through a very stressful situation. Thank you for sharing this with Fall Fearless and Fly!

  9. Oh your post-it-picture looks SO GREAT!!!! Such a cute idea and so excellent done. Really SO BEAUTIFUL!!!

  10. Nature is a go-to place for me as well. What a beautiful, free, butterfly. Thanks for joining FF&F! (your Post it page is pretty cool too!)

  11. Lovely butterfly! It's interesting to see how many people find security in nature.

  12. Great post!

    Loved the butterfly and the post it notes rang a bell!!!!!



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