Wednesday, November 7, 2012

AEDM - Day Seven

Well I just posted my blog post for day six, it's crazy difficult doing this month long challenge but I'm loving it so much I almost wish it wasn't only a month, I said almost. ;o) I can't believe the change I can see in both my artwork and myself, just being forced to do art whether I'm tired, bored, uninspired or just not in the mood. It's also helping that I'm forced to stop being so damn picky and perfectionistic. I can see what Tracey means when she talks about the "ugly phase" of a painting, I can see that clearly in each one. Yesterday's journal page was especially ugly about half way through. The black lids of the paint jars melded together and had no definition as I painted them up using my holbein watercolors. After tweaking and working on the page I loved it in the end and actually think I may be in the beginning stages of finding my style. YAY!!

Yesterday's Moleskine page
Today's piece of "art" is just a test page to show me what color each of the named pots of Silks acrylic paint look like. I do love how it turned out, all neat and clean. Although it's kinda boring, at least it's instructive and colorful, lol.
Big Daisy.
I have four pages in my larger Strathmore Visual Journal either penciled in or inked up, ready for paint. I have them planned all out, some using watercolors and others using silks, I may even use the three Twinks I have, lol. The bird will probably use a cool resist technique I learned from Dion Dior's class A Taste of Silks. I can't wait to play again tomorrow!
Pink Cone FlowerMulti-color BirdGrapes & Leaves
If you'd like to see all my submissions to Art Every Day Month, just click here and all my posts labeled AEDM will show up. Until next time all. Now I need a hazelnut coffee, maybe a double. ;o)


If you're looking for this week's Artist's Play Room, all you have to do is click here then scroll down to the end of the post to read about this week's theme, SUNSETS, and add your art to this week's Mr. Linky

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  1. Fun! I can't wait to see your drawings get the paint added.

  2. Dang it girl! I wish I could paint/draw half as good as you....!!

  3. Beautiful Mc McL, I love your loose, energic pages and you make the Silks look luscious. Hugs xx

  4. good work!! I love that you are letting yourself loosen up some. it is much easier, NOW, for me to BE wherever I am or am NOT, yet with anything. actually, I worked myself into a bit of a lather about my APR for this week yesterday and so good to BE reminded of the "ugly phase" or stages as I moved through those on sheer determination. when I looked this morning I was able to see that things look way different in the light of a new day.

    as for your "simplistic" pages, I think that's brilliant!! love Love LOVE seeing your art emerging each day!!


  5. Lovely art work ~ very creative and love your style ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  6. Show off! Look at all that arty goodness just waiting to happen. I'm falling behinder but will make a renewed effort to be creative when I get home from work.... you're inspiring! (and you can draw something fierce - wish I could!)

  7. I can't wait to see how you paint your pages! I love the vibrant colours you have used in the first painting too. x

  8. excited to see those pages with colour added ... it going to be a feast over the next few days... get painting girl...xx

  9. I have been catching up on your aedm posts, we are using the same sketchbook, i love it! I-am on my third one since summer. I love that you have a theme going in yours, i try but it ends up being lists, manadalas, nature sketches and fantasy ladies and zentangles all one after the other!

  10. Wow! I love seeing these process photos. I have been doing AEDM for several years now and I am always delighted to see what happens as a result. This year has been fantastic even though we have barely started!

    I am glad I got to pop in and meet you.

    Happy Art Every Day Month!

    ( Here is my post for today if you would like to see!

  11. Love your paint pots, lovely drawings, your test pages are pretty too!


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