Tuesday, August 10, 2010

In The Eye Of The Artist.

1. Azul intenso, 2. Golden tears, 3. Thoughts Captivity, 4. 241 of 365

It's Tuesday. Therefore, it's time for my weekly mosaic with Artmind. This week I want to talk about the "eye of the artist". I'm struggling with seeing my own artwork as "enough". I can see others' artwork as beautiful, accomplished and amazing, no matter how complicated or simple it is. It's such a strange bisection of my artistic vision. I can, at the same time, see the value of other's work but not acknowledge the same value of my own. I work on this constantly. My vision is continually a work in progress. :o)

We'll talk soon, K? 

P.S. Don't forget to enter my Giveaway, here. Just leave a comment in the giveaway post telling me that you're a follower and the prize just might be yours!!
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  1. I think it's good to constantly keep a close watch over your own work and value it. It's hard but practise makes the master! ;)

  2. You know what works for me? I can relate to your "not-enoughness" challenge... My inner critique is loud sometimes...
    So I take photos of my creations. And as I see them on my monitor, there is a distance between us -I mean my inner critique and my work. And as I see the pictures I can see them from an other viewpoint. That is what helps for me.
    The other viewpoint. The other viewpoint is good for my inner critique also, may be I want more photos, or I change a color, a brushstroke whatever... energy flows and finally I am peaceful and integrated. No more struggles... till the next 'critique struggle'.

  3. Oh these are very yummy to my eyes! I love the peacock looking eyes!
    We are all our own worst critics, seriously!


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