Monday, August 30, 2010

Bits & Pieces

First off, congratulations to a long time follower and lovely woman, Blissed-Out Grandma. She is the winner of my impromptu 150th follower Giveaway. I am, on Tuesday, shipping out to her a hand crocheted scarf and a beaded bookmark. I was very happy to learn that not only is she bereft of a good bookmark but that she lives in Minnesota and desperately needs a neck warming device! Bulls-Eye!! God must be on my side. Heehee! Ok, onward and upward peoples, keep up with me here.

I also have a little news. I have signed up to participate in the 2011 Sketchbook Project. This very cool project involves artists, sketchbooks and a road trip! This is how it works. Each artist who wants to participate (from around the world) is sent their own blank Moleskine sketchbook for them to fill. The artist, after altering all those blank pages, sends back their sketchbook creation to The Brooklyn Art Library where each is given a unique barcode. All the sketchbooks then go on a road trip all over the USA! After the sketchbooks have seen much and been seen by many, they make their way back to the safety of The Brooklyn Art Library where they are catalogued and will forever be available to be perused by anyone who wants to visit. I can't wait to participate!! So Cool.

Talk soon, K? I'm out!
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