Sunday, August 15, 2010

And The Winner Is...

It's finally that time, after all the fan fair, streamers, balloons and promotion. Thank you to all who entered my 100 Follower Giveaway. I want all my followers and readers to know how much I appreciate your loyalty and interest in my artwork. You all inspire me to be creative and believe that I have something interesting to show and share with the world. So, I guess you all want to know who won??

Can I have a drum roll please? ... and the winner is... Vicki Holdwick from Faint Heart Art! I will be boxing up your prize which consists of an original watercolor painting (matted), a beaded bookmark, a sketchpad, drawing pencil and a choker with matching bracelet plus a bag of candy for you to enjoy. Thanks so much, Vicki for being such a loyal follower. :o) (If you read this before you receive my email to you please feel free to email me and we can talk!)

Congratulations to Vicki and to all the rest of you, thank you for participating. Here's wishing you all a fantastic upcoming week. I'll be back in a day or two with pictures of the house makeover I'm in the middle of!!

Hugs to you all!
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