Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Explosion Of Ideas

1. Sunlight Explosion, 2. Rosa de agua, 3. celebrate !, 4. Explosion of Color

This week's "Flickr  Favorites" mosaic at Artmind is all about the amazing increase of creativity and happiness I feel. For some reason, I'm just feeling euphoric about painting. I seem to have forgotten how to feel trepidatious about my talent or fearful of my artistic future in general. I guess I'm finally embracing the present and allowing the light of happiness in. It feels like an explosion happened within me, so that's what my mosaic is about this week. Movement upward & outward. It feels great. :o)

We'll talk later, K? For sure!
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  1. It is also great to see/hear about others feeling that good =) Hope this feeling would stay forever =)

  2. Aww what an inspiring post - am smiling :o) Lucy x

  3. Congrats to you in this exciting time... letting go and just doing is the best! GOod luch!

  4. Super! Glad you found peace and are ready to rock! :) Good luck! :)

  5. Enjoy your feelings...I sure enjoyed your pictures!

  6. It's such a great feeling, seeing your ideas come to life! Have fun creating!

  7. Is there no end to your talents? I totally fell in love with Sunlight Explosion.

  8. Thanks for visiting. I am glad you could learn something. I have always wanted to learn to make and paint the gum paste flowers. I have done some roses with chocolate clay and some with fondant, but nothing like yours. How beautiful. Maybe someday! It is nice to meet you.


Please leave me a comment, I've sure missed hearing from you!


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