Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mosaic Tuesday: Art Find!

I came across a terrific artist and I find her work so inspiring that I just had to show it. So, I thought I'd combine my Mosaic with Artmind and my new Holy Grail of painters. Her name is Doris Savard and I am totally in love with her floral paintings. Here are four of my favorites.

From upper left, clockwise...

  1. "Lime et Framboise", mixed media, 48x48.
  2. "Jungle", mixed media, 30x30.
  3. "Margarita II", mixed media, 30x36.
  4. "Fleurs d'Ombre", mixed media, 36x36.
Don't you just love how she plays with color? I can hardly imagine how fantastic one of her large paintings would look on a white wall. Stunning. Savard's work is incredibly inspiring, she is so good with her play of color and her impressionistic style. 

I know this is the way my mother wants to paint. She uses oils, as I'm sure I've mentioned before. I'd love to learn how to modify this style to work for me, too. I know it's a long way down the road until I get to a place where this could be my style, but seeing a glimmer of my own potential growth within Doris Savard's work is so helpful as I winnow out where I want to go with my paintings.

I'm off to paint happy flowers. :o) See all you lovely people later, K?

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  1. Happy flowers - sad flowers - I love all flowers!
    Good that you found a new source of inspiration!
    From her paintings, it looks like she is a happy person! :)

  2. I absolutely love your blog!! I just wanted to let you know that I am following you via the swap bot swap for more blogger followers, I am sorry it took me a long time to follow you I was confused and missed some people I was supposed to follow but I got ya now!

  3. Hello Jennifer,

    I am happy you love my work and that it is inspiring to you.

    To ArtMind I say: Yes I am a happy person!

    Keep up the good work.


  4. Not a fan of oil paintings, I think they are too thick and, to me, somehow don't portray the delicacy of flowers.

  5. Wow those are lovely! I also wanted to nominate you for a Sunshine award for your blog - details on mine!



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